Contact us


Caregivers are an integral part of care and recovery. As experienced therapists we believe in including caregivers in the process whenever possible. Our goal is to educate patients and caregivers about treatment expectations related to the specific illness or injury and recommend modifications that can be made at home or work to support progress. We also connect families to additional resources that are available in the community.  This is only possible through individualized, one-on-one therapies that are the foundation of Harmony in Motion’s practice. Our therapists provide:

  • Home treatment plans
  • Caregiver education and training
  • IEP assistance, when applicable
  • Referrals to support groups, wellness programs and other programs
  • Reassessment and follow up after discharge

If you are a family member or caregiver and would like more information about our therapy and wellness services, please contact us at 717.906.8232 or

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