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Speech Therapy for individuals with Parkinsons Disease

Megan Kane-Mangol, Speech-Language Pathologist, is pleased to offer SPEAK OUT!®a nationally recognized speech therapy program, to help individuals with Parkinson’s regain and maintain effective communication.

SPEAK OUT!® places emphasis on speaking with intent and converting speech from an automatic function to an intentional act. Patients are seen three times per week to work through a series of speech, voice, and cognitive exercises outlined in a SPEAK OUT!® Workbook. Upon completion of the four-week SPEAK OUT!® program, patients transition to The LOUD Crowd®

Participation in SPEAK OUT!®  and The LOUD Crowd® along with daily home practice and six-month re-evaluations, has been shown to help patients maintain their communication skills throughout the progression of Parkinson’s.  For more information about SPEAK OUT!® and The LOUD Crowd® or to schedule a speech evaluation, please call Harmony In Motion at 717.906.8232 or email

The SPEAK OUT! & LOUD Crowd therapy regimens were developed at Parkinson Voice Project in Richardson, TX. You can visit their website at

 In November 2021, hundreds of LOUD Crowd members from around the world participated in a virtual choir concert organized by Parkinson Voice Project.  It was wonderful to hear everyone singing with heart, soul, and INTENT!  Watch this video to learn more about Parkinson Voice Project and how the SPEAK OUT! and LOUD Crowd programs may be of benefit to you or a loved one.

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